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Contract Analysis

Location: [Contract Analysis]

Before embarking on a new project, it is important to properly analyze contracts. It must be determined if the agreement will be in the best interests of relevant parties, while remaining feasible, cost-effective, timely and in compliance with relevant standards.

BestSolve.com helps customers in clarifying their goals and aligning their expectations. The draft of the proposed agreement is then scanned for any inconsistency in the written requirements. These points are identified and discussed for possible amendment. 

The nature of contract analysis is iterative and requires a close coordination with clients and outside entities. BestSolve.com seeks the commitment of high-level management before accepting a project. It is also important for BestSolve.com to be introduced to third-parties for efficient information-gathering.

For offshore projects, BestSolve.com will arrange short-term on-site visits to client premises. Depending on the complexity of the undertaking, this phase is usually two to four weeks in duration. However, each project is unique and analysis can be a long and onerous process. We, therefore, invite interested parties to contact our Project Coordinator for an ideal arrangement.
http://www.bestsolve.com/ca.htm -- Original posting: 3/27/2006
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